Doing the Dailies…Praise and Thank You!

June 10, 2018


Doing the Dailies…

Praise and Thank You!

“Thank God for this gift too wonderful for words!” 2 Corinthians 9:15

Some of the first words we teach our precious ones as they learn how to utilize the gift of communication, are the words Please and Thank you in order to politely get what they desire, and to teach them gratitude.   And, as they, as we, grow and mature, may our first words each day be…

“Praise and Thank You, Father!”

Remember the last time you felt speechless?  For some of us, it does not happen very often. I have always been considered to be loquacious or chatty-(long-winded…I think it is genetic) and I consider my words to usually be, for the most part, adequate or good enough. But, recently, I experienced some of those rare moments…moments when I was speechless…

In the early morning hours, the beginning of a new day, I think we all look forward to those special moments when we know God is stirring our hearts…moving and rustling around determined to wake us up, pressing gently to get our attention…Often, He uses this time to bring to mind people-family and friends, even acquaintances, with a sense of urgency or a call to pray for them. I love these moments!  And I am always thrilled and blessed-never disappointed when I get up, coffee in hand, and sit for awhile…

Recently, the new day brought a blanket of praise and gratitude over my heart…with a sense of wonder and awe for our Amazing God.

Praise and Thank You…

I began to pray and to praise silently, telling God how amazing and loving and tremendous and majestic and awesome HE IS…thanking Him for each blessing…praising Him for His goodness, compassion, mercy, grace… and then…I was still and my heart fell silent…silent…still…quiet…struck by the wonder of the moments. AND, I was speechless…absolutely speechless…no more words…NONE… to describe and       communicate the praise, and the gratitude I felt, and the awareness of the magnitude of this Holy, Sovereign God Almighty…

In these moments, we experience the awareness that is beyond all intellect, understanding and human words.  The truth is there are NO adequate words because, our Heavenly Father, His Glory, His Being, His Presence is just TOO WONDERFUL for WORDS…and yes, I was speechless…But, my heart beat His Praise and whispered Thank You.  Although communication with words is a gift from Him…He is first interested in our hearts and what they house and what they speak.

Doing the Dailies…

I am certain that you have experienced the times when you were literally blown away, silenced, awestruck and amazed by your Heavenly Father…the times when you were just speechless, when there were No words to express your feeling, your gratitude, and the praise welling up and overflowing from the depths of your heart and soul….Yes, my friend those moments are incredible and transforming…no matter what circumstances surround your life.  In joys and in the most desperate sorrows, His kindness and tenderness are just too wonderful for words…Those are the moments which are etched into your mind…your memory…and engraved on your heart…

This summer, these crazy summer mornings, may we, each one of us, begin the day with Praise and saying Thank You to our Loving and Compassionate God.  The One who is for us.  The One who goes before us to lead …the One who walks beside us to accompany us…the One who encircles and surrounds us to guard and to protect us, through each moment. He is the Giver of countless gifts, each one, too wonderful for words!

“You go before me and follow me. You place your hand of blessing on my head.  Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too great to understand!” Psalm 139:5-6

As you Do the Dailies, invite your children and your grands to Come to His Table and to begin your day with “Praise and saying Thank You” to your Faithful and Perfect Father.  Hearts open…perhaps speechless…absorbing His Presence into your soul…experiencing Him…and His gifts, so amazing, so absolutely divine…so wonderful…too wonderful for our words, and understanding!

I thank God for you and together, we celebrate the wonder of our Almighty and Perfect God…and together we offer Him our Praise and say Thank You from our hearts and our souls. As you Do the DailiesPraise and Thank You…with your family, may you experience and embrace all the Blessings of summer!

Love you in Jesus,





Suggested Reading:

Psalm 139  A psalm of David-Praise and Wisdom