Chasing Butterflies…

February 10, 2019


Chasing Butterflies…

“And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17

Today, may you Chase Butterflies…

Count every blessing…

And thank God for everything He has done!

Don’t you just love celebrations?  I think we all enjoy celebrating the special people and events in our lives.  In the past two weeks, I have celebrated so much life, and if I am honest, I am exhausted by my precious blessings.  Now, that my friends is valuable and irreplaceable.

Bill and I are blessed to have the opportunity and the privilege to spend time with our grands-all six of them.  Some of my most memorable moments are those when they are totally unaware that I am watching…those moments when their childhood takes over and their inhibitions disappear and they unapologetically run with no destination in mind, and they dance their dance… they sing their song… they laugh at their silly meaningless jokes…and they stop to inspect a flower…and yes, they run and chase each other…and my blessings chase butterflies without expectation of capturing even one.  To them, it does not matter as they relinquish cares and concerns and celebrate life!

Lessons Learned

When I spend time with our grands, I learn valuable life lessons… Recently, I was reminded of something I had forgotten in my busyness with life.  You see, I had forgotten how to live beyond the calculations, in spite of the expectations and the limits I place upon the gift of today and just celebrate the gifts God has given me. But once again, my precious ones reminded me and showed me how…How to Chase Butterflies!

My friends, as we live each one of our todays, I pray that we occasionally stop, and chase the butterflies. May we throw off the confines of our grown-up lives to run with bare feet, to dance to music, to sing a new song, to laugh and to love…yes…to love even when it is unscheduled or inconvenient…

We celebrate the gift of today when we stop and chase the butterflies together…

When we stop to smell the roses, or to admire the surprise of winter snap-dragons…

When we laugh with a friend, or cry with a loved one and do life together…

When we give a spouse or a family member undeserved kindness…

When we bless a neighbor with a good deed or an encouraging word…

When we offer a stranger a simple smile, assuring them that they are seen…

When we greet the day with an anthem of praise…and we end our day with a whisper of gratitude…

I pray that we are reminded to stop in the midst of busyness to celebrate life, God’s gift of today.  May we remember to Chase Butterflies…to count our blessings one by one…and to thank God for all He has done. And may we remember to laugh together and to love…to love like our Savior…relentlessly, unapologetically, unconditionally, offering an abundance of forgiveness, grace, and mercy…When we stop to Chase Butterflies, we open the door of our hearts, inviting God into our today to do His Great Work…

…But the greatest of these is love.”

1 Corinthians 13:13

Love you in Jesus,
