June 3, 2018
Doing the Dailies…
Doing the Dailies is our summer series which we hope and pray will serve as a simple catalyst to help you to create a summer of fulfillment, satisfaction, and of memorable moments for you and your family. Summer is a wonderful time to rest from the busyness of the school calendar, and to allow God to renew and refresh the body and soul…
“Give us today our daily bread…” Matthew 6:11
Our children learned early in their lives if they wanted a real meal, sustenance that lasted for a while, and the dessert which followed, they were required to come to the table! Of course they could snack and nibble, it was summer after all! And, we all know snacks are terrific when we are on the go… But the real food, the lasting nourishment was gained from coming to and from sitting at the table.
I have to be honest… our children’s appreciation for what occurred at the table during meal-time was learned through instruction, parental discipline, self-discipline, and self-control over a long period of time! I remember the messes we experienced as Bill and I attempted to teach our children how to sit still at the table, how to eat their meal, and we wrestled with them over table manners, but I know you agree with me, it is worth it! Today, we enjoy and are amused watching our children as they are challenged by the same interactions with their own children, as they teach them to come to the table.
But, what begins as a wrestling match with toddlers, becomes one of the most cherished family experiences as children grow and mature. The Sit Down at the Table meal satisfies the hunger and the craving for nourishment. And, the conversation and connection occurring there helps to create memories and moments in family development and relationship experience, vital to healthy hearts and souls. No wonder kids of all ages beg to invite their friends to come and to sit at the table where their hunger for food, relationship, laughter and belonging is satisfied. We cherish these wonderful memories as well as the new opportunities to sit at the table with our family and with our friends.
And the truth is, our Perfectly Loving Heavenly Father desires the absolute best for His children, for you and for me…He has prepared a place for each one of us at His Table, the place where our souls are nourished through His Word, His Daily Bread… and our hearts are renewed and restored by His presence and our relationship with Him. Our grab and go snacks-a devotion, praise music, are all wonderful and soul-enriching, but, it is at His Table that we find ultimate fulfillment and abundant life in Him through a personal and intimate relationship with the Savior, Jesus Christ. It is in the quiet moments at His Table with Him that we experience His forgiveness and New Life in Him.
Doing the Dailies…
The Summer is upon us and we are faced with a myriad of opportunities and choices for how we will spend our summer moments as a family, with children and with the grands…How can we maximize and optimize each day…each opportunity?
Come to His Table
May we encourage you in this first week of summer, to invest some of your early morning moments, or later moments, if necessary, and Come to His Table. Yes, it takes an adjustment of time, some self-discipline, and self-control, but your Father is patient…He waits for you…make an appointment with Him…Come to His Table to partake of the Daily Bread which He has prepared for you; it is sure to satisfy your craving as you pull up a chair, open your Bible and read…and sit… and converse with your Heavenly Father. When you have taken your place at His Table and consumed His Daily Bread, your heart and soul will be energized, invigorated and prepared for the day, whatever it may hold. It is in these moments at His Table, when I have come, and been still and quiet, that He has taught me the most amazing truth through His Word…Life-changing Truth…And He has a place set just for you!
As you Do the Dailies, and carve out time with your Father, invite your children and your grands to join you-to follow you to His Table. Everything is prepared for you…He is waiting. Remember, summer is the perfect time to rest from the busyness of the school calendar, and to allow God to do some new things in your life, to teach you, to nourish, renew and refresh your body and soul… Come to His Table… And, enjoy those special moments with your family…a Sit down Meal, conversation and connection, and dessert too…and all the blessings of summer!
Love you in Jesus,
Suggested Readings:
Exodus 16:1-17 The LORD rained down food from Heaven for the Israelites.
John 6:32-35 Jesus is the Bread of Life.