Doing the Dailies…Like a Child

July 8, 2018


Doing the Dailies…Like a Child 

“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them.  And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:2-3

I am discovering that the best teachers in my life are becoming younger and younger, and  I am continually learning from them…

The third year in the life of our grands has brought with it profound life-lessons for them, and certainly for me.  Recently I was with our three year-old grandson, Samuel Eldon who came for an afternoon visit. He took me by the hand, inviting me to follow him to the toy closet.  Before we opened the door, he stopped to give me some explicit instructions, “Digee, we are going to pretend like we are kids, but Digee, you are going to have to ‘think different’… You, are going to have to think like a kid”! Of course I laughed at the time, but I could not shake his comment from my mind later that night.  Hmmmmm…it sounded familiar. I needed to think different… like a kid…yes, Like a Child

“He called a little child to him, and placed the child among them.  And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.” Matthew 18:2-3

Jesus gave the same instructions to His own disciples, those who were closest to Him, who were doing life with Him. These were the people who were gleaning His message, His Truth, His Hope and His Love in the time they had with Him on this earth. Jesus had Kingdom-Building to do, and He wanted His disciples to know…

In spite of the normal child-like behavior and the misses, there is an inexplicable and beautiful innocence and excitement in the face, in the eyes of, and in the heart of a child who is approaching and experiencing life through the lense of being a ‘kid’, a ‘child’. I believe this condition of the heart is what Jesus referred to as He instructed His disciples. He wanted them to know, and He wants us to know to understand too…we must come Like a Child…

Jesus tells us to change… to become like little children…

Later that evening, I thought about Sam’s statement and I remembered our own children’s enthusiasm and wonder as they explored God’s beautiful creation, with wonder and awe. I thought about the more recent times with our grands and their sense of expectation every time we are with them…every time!  The hope and eagerness when they jump into our car to go with us…The reverence and respect they display toward the authority in their lives, (well…most of the time)…the trust and the security they feel when they climb into the arms of their parents, or those of their grandfather…The humility of their child-like heart, bearing the very best it has to offer, as a gift given in total abandonment…The clear, unburdened, heart which presents itself to the revelation of who God is, His Presence in their world, and their uninhibited acceptance of the Truth that Jesus is able to make His residence inside their hearts.  I cannot remember one time when our children or our grands ever asked us how in the world Jesus could fit inside their child-size hearts…They believe He can because He said so.

You see, I am beginning to understand a bit more of what Jesus said to His disciples…what He clearly says in the Bible…His Word…what He knows about the hearts of children, and about my adult heart.  The truth is that the heart of a child is far bigger than an adult heart…than the burdened and worried heart…than the distracted heart I often possess. The heart of a child is big enough for Jesus to make His home there. 

Oh my friend, I have so many more lessons to learn…and perhaps you do too!  A teacher of the truth, must always remain its student!   So, I think about all of our grands third year of life and I realize I have learned some extremely profound life-lessons from them, when they were three…

Elizabeth Claire loves to run.  I have learned to never be afraid to run against the wind, for when she runs, she becomes stronger!

Catherine Jane loves to give little handmade gifts. I have learned to never be afraid to give, for when she gives, she never runs out of love.

Charlee Ann Marie loves to sing Jesus songs. I have learned to never stop singing, for when she sings, she is filled and overflowing with contagious joy!

Virginia Caroline loves to be held. I have learned to take time to hold my loved ones close in my heart, for when she whispers the words, “Hold me”, she is asking to spend time with me.

Samuel Eldon loves being a child.  I learned to ‘think like a kid’, for when he does, he sees the world through new eyes.

Madeline Frances has recently turned three.  I cannot wait to see what lessons I will learn from her in her third year of life!  I have an idea it will be very exciting…just ask her parents!

All of my precious ones, all ages and stages, continue to teach me, and I want to remain teachable…all the days of my life.

This summer, as you Do the Dailies, as you Come to His Table, consider the words of JesusCome like a child…hopeful and eager, humble and selfless, loving and trusting. Call out to your Heavenly Father and offer Him the gift of your heart and make room for Him… maybe do a little heart-cleaning in the process; we all need to from time-to-time.  Jesus, your Redeemer, your Restorer, desires to live there…Come to Him, as His child…or in the words of a three-year old, you have to “Think like a kid”.

Summer blessings! Love you in Jesus, 
