Follow the Star…

December 16, 2013


Follow the Star…

After the wise men heard the king, they left.  The star that they had seen in the east went before them until it stopped above the place where the child was.  When the wise men saw the star, they were filled with joy.  They came to the house where the child was and saw him with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him.  They opened their gifts, and gave him treasures of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”
Matthew 2:9-11

Into the darkness came the Light; they followed the Christmas Star.

It led them to the Child of Hope, the wise men from afar.

Oh Star of Hope, please shine on me, Your Light from Heaven above…

Oh Christmas Star, please lead the way, to find God’s peace and love.

My father was never known for his extravagance…at least not in his purchases.  I think that I learned my frugal shopping habits from both of my parents.  My mother never purchased anything unless it was on sale, and she had a beauty and style in her attire during her healthy years, which passed far too quickly.  I do have memories of her dressed very stylishly from head to toe.  Unless her clothing came off of her own sewing machine, you can be assured that the garments were off of a discounted rack!  And my father was bargain king.  So many people in that generation of folks had similar spending habits. I discovered my father’s humble beginnings and I began to understand the tremendous challenges during the Depression years which affected every American’s life.

 And we Celebrate Christmas…

As I grew up, gifts were fun, but I have a vivid memory of a Christmas in Corpus Christi when I was about six years old.  I had visited with Santa and very candidly shared that I needed a swing-set in my own back yard.  Convinced that it was handled, I remember confidently running down the stairs of our home on Christmas morning, fully expecting for there to be a swing-set in our living room.  There, under the tree was a miniature swing-set, about the size to accommodate a Barbie doll.  In my “only-child” appropriateness, I’m sure I said, “Why thank you mother and father…” but I immediately ran to the back door to peer outside, certain that the people-size swing set must be waiting for me in the yard.  The only thing different about the scene was the muddy face of my dog as he sat by the back-door, attempting to escape the rainy Christmas morning.  Wow…I’m sure that I received wonderful gifts that year, but I cannot remember one of them, just Barbie’s dream come true!

Then, several years later as a teen, I remember announcing to my parents every day until Christmas, that I needed a stereo because I thought that this would attract friends!  With great expectation, I awoke on Christmas morning, once again fully expecting the desire of my heart to be sitting under the tree. There was a medium-sized box under the tree and I was certain that it contained my stereo.  We un-wrapped small gifts and that one was the last one standing.  I confidently began tearing into the paper, upsetting my grand-mother who seriously believed that every piece of wrapping paper and ribbon were commodities to be saved and re-cycled until they disintegrated.  The box was sealed with tape.  My father handed me a pair of scissors to open the box, but he warned me to be careful opening the box so that I did not scratch the contents.  That was it!  It must be a stereo!  I carefully sliced open the tape and opened the flaps of the box with care…certain that my stereo would be there!  I was stunned as I stared down at the spines of books, red and gold volumes, matching, and packed in tightly.  Lots of them!  My father could not contain himself as he began to explain that they were the great classics and that everyone should have copies of these pieces of literature for their library.  My first thought was, “I do not have a library,” and I must have mouthed it because he said, “Angel, you will have a library someday!”  He obviously thought that this was the perfect gift.  It was true that English was my favorite subject at the time, but not to the extent of sacrificing the big gift chance! I needed a stereo!  Once again, in my “only-child” appropriateness, I hope that I said, “Thank you mother and father!” 

I will say that I survived the swing-set catastrophe…and the collection of classics is proudly displayed in my library, to this day. He was correct about the worth of those beautiful books.  In fact, I collect books and cannot stay out of book-stores! (How did he know?)

My father was not known for extravagance in his purchases…

After we had our daughter, Christie, he and my mother loved to give their grand-daughter dolls.  At least once a year, they would find a collector doll of some sort.  They were not expensive, but each one was beautiful on a shelf, and was added to Christie’s doll collection.  One summer day, my father called to ask if he could stop by because he had something for Christie.  Adam and Christie were thrilled for his visit.  He came in carrying a box wrapped in pink wrapping paper.  It was a little peculiar because it was not a birthday or a special occasion. Cabbage Patch dolls were the craze at the time and that past Christmas, I had stood in the Toys R’ Us line for hours to attempt to purchase cabbage patch dolls; I think that my father must have remembered. As Christie began to open the pretty pink package, my father, Grandy, announced that the gift was for me, too, and I asked him why?  He said, “Angel, can’t I do something for my girls, just because?”


Christie opened the box and found a beautiful Cabbage Patch doll, dressed in a white gown…but her face was a cute little porcelain face.  Grandy had brought us a Collector’s Cabbage Patch doll.  I was so deeply moved by his gift…so unlike him…it was frivolous, expensive, and so incredibly thoughtful….

“Angel, sometimes it is okay to be extravagant.”  And the tears came…  I learned so much about gifts and the giving of gifts…I learned that the value of the gift comes not from the monetary cost, but from the heart of the giver, the bearer of the gift. And I learned how incredibly loving it is that my father gave me what was best for me…I did not need a swing-set; we relocated to another city soon after that Christmas…And the beautiful books are treasures!


The Heart of the Giver…Bearing gifts for those we love…

“They came to the house where the child was and saw him with his mother, Mary, and they bowed down and worshipped him.  They opened their gifts and gave them treasures of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.”  Matthew 2:9-11

 Follow the Star…

BELIEVE!  We see the word throughout our celebration of Christmas and the glorious and beautiful season. Believe, to accept as true; to feel sure of the truth of something; to be convinced…

And convinced we are as Lake Hills Church celebrated their annual BELIEVE event for women of all generations…I am certain that no one left not being sure and convinced that Christmas fulfills the most miraculous prophecy for the Christ follower…as the birth of the Messiah is celebrated…as the Redeemer and the Deliverer was born…and given to the world…changing eternity…Joy to the World!

BELIEVE! The Magi or the Wise men saw the Christmas Star, and believed; they were sure and convinced and accepted as true…they Believed!

“Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him.”  Matthew 2:2

They Followed the Star…

The Wise men first Believed, were certain and convinced that what they saw…what they heard was true, and their belief was the catalyst for their Journey through Faith…the action…of coming, of asking, of following, of worshipping…I have come to understand that Faith is active Believing; active Believing becomes Faith!

One can believe that something is true without moving beyond stagnant belief. Had the Wise men not followed the Star, even though they believed that it was the Messiah’s Star, they would have missed the journey; they would have missed the miracle; they would have missed The King…

But, they actively Believed and their belief was the catalyst to propel them to step out and to begin their journey to seek; to follow; and to find the Messiah…their King…Their active Believing…led them to an active Faith…

They Followed the Star…

It is fascinating to me that the Greek word ‘pistos’  in the active sense means believing, trusting…while faith is from the Greek word ‘pisitis’ which is a firm conviction, producing a full acknowledgement of God’s revelation or truth.  Together these words create the active involvement and the active acknowledgment of the believer, just as the Wise men believed and trusted the message they were receiving and then actively and faithfully followed the star…

And as they followed in their faith…in their conviction, they carried gifts of great value to the new-born King…the King who was long awaited; the King who fulfilled the prophecy.

Yes, Faith is the active Believing.  And it is through this active Believing that we seek; we follow the star to the Messiah; we bear gifts of our sacrifice in the name of The King…And we celebrate Christmas!

The Extravagant Gift

Our loving Father is faithful to offer His Son…His Gift of extravagance…Much of the world remains sedentary as it believes…but fails to actively acknowledge and to follow The Star…

The Gift of Faith begins with belief; and it is perpetuated by the active Believing…by the deep conviction which is a catalyst for the journey of Faith. Our Heavenly Father loves with extravagance.  He holds nothing back because of His love for His people whom He calls…whom He claims…for whom He will return…

And as believers, as Christ followers, we celebrate this Christmas season with fervor, with passion, with active Believing…with “faithing”…as we celebrate with Light, with Love, with Gifts…Gifts of extravagance…extravagance, measured by our love and by our sacrifice…not by the monetary value…

And we Celebrate Christmas…

This Christmas, our family is in a transition of waiting…waiting to turn the pages of life…of trusting, of waiting.  In the process, we have left some meaningful things behind as gifts for the new owner of our home.  We have left a nativity scene which has been with us for over twenty-five years…This humble scene has lit the darkness of the country nights during the Christmas season, with a beautiful star welded by a faithful employee, given as a beautiful, sacrificial gift to us one Christmas. As travelers make their way down the rural country road…the beauty of the unexpected light and the humble scene is brilliant against the blackness of the winter sky. As the star shines brightly…it serves as reminder that we must seek after the Light that shines into darkness…we must follow the Star…we must be active in our journey to follow our Savior…Christ Yeshua, our journey beginning with our belief.

And as we bear gifts this Christmas, Our Faithful God simply wants our hearts and our devotion…and He desires that we give gifts in His name. As our Loving God gives to us His perfect Gift of extravagance, giving to us what is best, I pray that we actively acknowledge and receive His beautiful Gift.  I pray that we give extravagantly in His name….not measuring the value of the gifts we give by the world’s standard…but by the measure of our hearts to Christ, of our devotion to Him…giving in His precious Holy Name.

As our Grandy brought the gift of the doll…totally unexpected and undeserved, I pray that I will give with the same joy and with love and with extravagance… And by the way, a dear friend handed me a small package at a Christmas party this past week.  She said that she thought of me when she saw it. I opened it in my car and discovered a small nativity scene.  I opened the top, and there, inside, was a beautiful gold star…and the tears flowed…

blogpic2I smiled as I held the gift in my hand…I thought of the weeks that our family has been waiting…I thought of what we were leaving behind…and I smiled because little did my friend know that her gift was extravagant to me…it was beautiful and meaningful and quite undeserved…and how precious is our loving Father to see the need in a daughter’s life. How beautiful it is that He uses His people to give gifts.  He uses His people to bear the Light of His Christ Yeshua…and my friend cannot understand the impact that her little gift had on me…Our God replaces and refills our lives as we give away and as we share His blessings with others…An extravagant gift!

And we Celebrate Christmas…

We shall follow His Star!  I pray that we actively pursue, that we seek, and that we actively Believe…and that we receive His miraculous Gift and that we give extravagantly….not as the world measures, but as God’s heart measures the love and the devotion of our hearts…giving in His precious name…As we follow His Star…as we are filled with Joy…as we bow down and worship the King!

The Christmas Star

Into the darkness came the Light; they followed the Christmas Star.

It led them to the Child of Hope, the wise men from afar.

Oh Star of Hope, please shine on me, Your Light from Heaven above…

Oh Christmas Star, please lead the way, to find God’s peace and love.

“…They went on their way, and the star they had seen in the east went ahead of them until it stopped over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they were overjoyed.” Matthew 2: 9

This Christmas, I pray that in each light, in each star, in each nativity scene, in each Christmas tree, in each gift given and in each gift received…that you would experience the Light of the World. As the Christmas Star leads you to the best gift, the Christ child, your Savior, your King…I pray that the world will join you as you Follow the Star!

Blessed Christmas!


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