June 12, 2016
Welcome to Truth for Summer Sundays…
And Everyday …
God, the Creator Wants to be Known!
Do you ever stop to think, to be intentionally aware of the absolute truth that the God who created the universe, and everything in it, who always has been and who always will be, who designed and created the intricacy of life…and the miracle of human life…the God who holds the highest place of honor and majesty and glory and perfection, stepped down from His throne, left His perfect Heavenly Kingdom to make Himself into flesh, while still reigning in His Heavenly Kingdom, to become completely humankind, in order to bring Light and Truth and Hope into the darkness of a fallen world. But, we must know Him and we must choose Him over all others…to allow Him to fill the created place in our lives, which no one, nothing else can ever fill or satisfy. It is this ONE, this God who passionately and desperately wants to be known by you…You are His precious one.
The TRUTH is that this amazing, glorious, magnificent God, wants to be known by His Creation.
Several years ago I began to study books by Ann Spangler, Praying the Names of God and Praying the Names of Jesus. Recently, a group of women from our Bible Study joined together in a Book Review to read and discuss Wendy Blight’s new book, I Know His Name: Discovering Power in the Names of God. I can honestly say that these studies were life-changing and life-giving. As I thought about and prayed about the opportunities Summer Time presents to parents, and to grandparents to “teach” their children, I felt compelled to create some Summer Lessons for children and their parents.
This summer, we will teach our children some of the Hebrew names of God from the Old Testament, and some Greek names from the New Testament, and in doing so, will glean more understanding of the amazing characteristics of our God and who He really is. It is true that in a life-time, we cannot possibly know everything about Him, but in our life-time, we can draw nearer and nearer to Him as we experience His powerful presence and His perfect love in our lives, and the lives of our children. And, we teach them…So They Will Know Him!
In the first book of the Bible, in the first verse, in the first line, we are introduced to Elohim, the Hebrew name of God meaning “The GOD of gods, the ONE True God, the Mighty, Supreme God”. He is the Creator of all things, creating intentionally, with attention to every intricacy of His Creation. Not only did He create, but He designed and planned, every detail…and remember, He Wants to be Known…by His people, by you and me, and our precious ones!
Every child, every human, every mom and every dad…we as humans, made in the image of our Creator, ELOHIM, absolutely yearn for fellowship and connection. In Genesis 1, we are told that ELOHIM created the universe and every living thing in it…He walked and talked to man, and created a “helper”, a woman for the man…for relationship, for fellowship.
We parents hunger and thirst for relationship, connection, and fellowship with our children, just as our Loving Father desires and intends to have an intimate relationship with His own children. Our faithful God wants to be known by His children…Remember, He knows you…He knows your name. Do you and your children know Him? Do you know His names? This summer, we will teach them…
So They Will Know
We sometimes miss the miraculous magnitude of Elohim, Creator God, and His intention and attention toward each person. As you and your precious ones begin to focus this week on your Mighty Creator, read Psalm 139, giving careful attention to verses 13-15:
“You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body and knit me together in my mother’s womb. Thank you for making me so wonderfully complex! Your workmanship is marvelous-how well I know it. You watched me as I was being formed in utter seclusion, as I was woven together in the dark of the womb.”
Do you believe the truth of these words? Of course you believe them concerning the miracle of the precious ones in your life, whether you gave physical birth to them, or whether you birthed them in your heart, your precious ones are “fearfully and wonderfully” created by intention, with care-filled attention. Every detail, with intention and attention…
And you my friend, were made in the very same miraculous way. His workmanship is absolutely marvelous and wonderful…and beautiful…He watched over you as you were knitted together inside the safe and sound refuge which your Loving Father created just for you…your mother’s womb. Just as you watch and admire your precious ones, your Father watches over you and He admires His handiwork. In fact, when He looked over all He had made, He saw that it was very good!
You see dear friend, as you believe this about your own life, your belief will help your child’s belief. Your own wonder of the Creator will spill over into your child’s heart! Today, open your eyes-as you look to your very own personal, and intimate Elohim…As the artist creates a masterpiece, imagining and designing from the interior of the heart and intellect, finding pleasure in the creation, and celebrates…your Mighty Elohim takes pleasure in you, and He celebrates your life. You are His precious one. He awaits your waking every morning…He waits for your first words of the day…hoping they will be, “Good morning Lord!”
Today, on this Summer Sunday:
Tell your children and all those you love, this wonderful news. And although, this is overwhelming and amazing to comprehend, God gives you His words so that you can tell them, so that you can teach them. Remember faithful friend, every moment is a teaching opportunity…So They Will Know! Sunday blessings!
“Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation, for through Him God created everything in the heavenly realms and on earth. He made the things we can see and the things we can’t see…He existed before anything else, and He holds all creation together.” Colossians 1:15-16, 17
Click below for this week’s Daily Family Devotions:
Blessings and Joy,