Who’s Pulling the Wagon?

September 2, 2018


Who’s Pulling the Wagon?

 “When we get together, I want to encourage you in your faith, but I also want to be encouraged by yours.”  Romans 1:12 (NLT)

They did it again!  Every time I am with my grandchildren, they teach me something!  There are those grand moments when those really cute precious ones teach me something profound about life…and I look at them and wonder, “How did they know?”  They did it again; they managed to teach me a life lesson!

Oh the Simple Things…

Two of my favorite things are our over-sized red wagons with deep sides, especially when they are filled with grands…Oh the simple things, the ordinary delight of watching them pile into the wagon, never-ever stopping to think or to worry about who was going to pull them in the wagon…And, at that point, the life-lesson begins for me…once again, I sit back and watch…

Over the years, there have been times when they all wanted to ride inside the wagon, and they needed someone to pull it! But, who would pull the wagon?  And, there were times when everyone wanted to pull the wagon, and, of course I offered to be their passenger, an offer, they politely refused.

But, the important times occur when our grands embrace their team-each other- and learn to engage in  team strategy.  When they work together, rely on one another in order to move forward to reach their next destination, I learn lessons with them.  This picture from our daughter-in-law says it all-The Life-Lesson!

Most of us would agree that we are assigned roles which change in various stages of our lives.  There are times when we are given the task and the responsibility to pull the heavy wagon to help to move our marriage, or our family, our business, even friendships along a challenging and bumpy roadway in order to arrive at the next destination. At other times, we may be the one who needs to push, to push hard to keep the wagon moving over the obstacles along the way. And at various stages of life, we will be the one to ride as a passenger…to be carried. In all these arenas, we have a responsibility to work to pull the wagon, or to push it and to cooperate- because these people are our team…our family…our friends.

Who’s Pulling the Wagon?

We as believers in our LORD, Jesus Christ, know the Creator, the Owner, the Captain of our team.  He is the One who orchestrates team meetings for encouragement, hope, empowerment and Life.  We call it His church. And, He is the One who meets individually with each team member to personally engage in their life-time through His Wisdom and His Word. He is the One who never quits, the One who never forsakes His Team, His People.

And our job, as His Team, is to work diligently-with everything in us, to do the jobs He assigns us to do.  We are called to encourage and to cooperate with one another, working together and cheering for each other…Looking for the best in one another and caring enough to share God’s Truth in love, with deep commitment, and authentic concern.

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.  Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” 1 Timothy 2:1

As we continue on this journey together…may we PRAY for those who are leading, for those who are assigned the job of Pulling, or Pushing the Wagon, for those who are walking beside, in front of, or behind…And, always-always Pray for those who are passengers, the ones who are being carried. So often, we do not know their stories-today’s story.

Our hearts open wider, grow more tender, and more compassionate when we thank our Heavenly Father, our God, for creating the lives of people in our families, our neighborhoods, our communities, and our churches. Lives are changed, including ours, when we pray for all people, not just the ones we like and with whom we always agree.

Oh my friends, I have learned a great deal from watching and living.  I have made mistakes which were necessary…and some which should, and could have been avoided.  We can so easily become dis-jointed as a team, forgetting that God sometimes shifts and repositions us in assignments.  All we need to do is ask Him the question… “Where are we trying to go…what is my destination?”

As believers in our LORD, we are all on the same Team…living life, working, serving, and loving one another for His Purposes!  And, I am quite certain, as we do our jobs, wherever He places us, our Loving, Heavenly Father smiles at the beautiful picture of His children, doing life together His Way…  

Oh, one more thing…When we ask the question, Who’s Pulling the Wagon?…May we remember, He is the One Pulling the Wagon of Life…and we are blessed, so blessed to be on His Team!

Love you in Jesus,
