Yes You Can!

November 4, 2018


Yes You Can!

“I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people.  Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them.” 1 Timothy 2:1

“Yes you CAN”…I remember correcting and encouraging my children when they experienced a disappointment in a relationship with a friend, or hurt feelings…or even betrayal…”Yes, you can…” I would repeat, countering their every objection. I remember because when I would confront them, in their child’s world, I was in all honesty, confronting myself, speaking as much to my heart, as theirs…Perhaps more to mine because I knew. I had knowledge of how I should conduct my life, when it came to disappointments or disagreements with family or friends… “Yes, you can.”  But, why was, why is it so hard?

It is one thing to know what God instructs concerning certain matters in our lives; our heads can be filled up and overflowing with knowledge.  And I understood my children. Getting that knowledge and information from their heads to their hearts was challenging, sometimes seemingly impossible!

So, many times as I stood in the doorway of their bedrooms, I remember encouraging them, my heels dug in…”Yes!  Yes, my precious one, yes you can!” Then, as I pulled their bedroom door closed, all too often I felt the voice of truth whispering to me…prodding at my heart…

“Yes, You Can!  “You can pray for those who have hurt you, betrayed you or a loved one.” And, I clearly remember my initial responses, with crossed arms and a closed heart, “God, but, I don’t want to!”

In other words, I wanted to pray for those I wanted to pray for…not for “all people”. You see, I understood how my children were feeling when I would say to them, “Yes, you can!”

…Ask God to help them, intercede on their behalf…and give thanks for them…

Over the years, my family and I discovered what God says is true, and, what He asks of us is impossible to do of our own volition.  I know because too many of my young adult years were spent struggling and striving to perform, to please, to appease.  I finally learned that “with me, things were impossible, but with God, all things became possible” because He was faithful to equip and empower us to do as He instructed…including to PRAY for ALL PEOPLE. Yes, for those people who had violated my trust, or my opinions, or my preferences…ALL People!

And, I learned that my feelings or my children’s feelings about the person did not affect our responsibility or our ability to pray for them.  The truth is…IF GOD TELLS US TO DO SOMETHING, He will provide what we need when we present ourselves to Him, willing to obey Him…regardless of our hurt and insulted feelings, offenses, insults, wounded pride…or broken hearts. He knows us; He understands us.

I also learned that when I was hurt, frustrated, angry, or totally disgusted toward someone, I could honestly pray, “LORD, have your way in their heart-and while You are at it…have your way in mine too.” There it is!  When we know we need to pray for someone, and we don’t want to…the first step is to surrender to God, giving Him permission to have His Way, His Will in our lives…to make some tweaks, changes, adjustments where needed!

God feels the same love and concern for each one of us…each and every person…Oh that’s right!  His Word and His Truth are for all people…all of the time… in all places…And He instructs His people to “pray for all people…pray…pray…” for those who have hurt our children’s feelings, a spouse, a friend, all teachers, all bosses, no matter how we feel…For those who have hurt people we love, in our institutions, in our churches… “Pray for all people”, and “give thanks for them…”After all they were God’s idea!  Yes, we can pray and give thanks for them even when we don’t like what they do or think or say.   Jesus…“gave His life to purchase freedom for everyone.” (1 Tim. 2:6) And, He asks us, He is asking me to pray…

“Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.” 1 Timothy 2:2

And, Yes We Can pray for all leaders in our city, state, nation…nations of the world…pastors and leaders in our churches, and in other churches…for all in authority, kings, queens, and yes presidents…past and present…and for those who are seeking positions of authority and leadership. Whether we agree or disagree with them, we are called to pray for them, for God to Have His perfect way in their lives!  Yes, we can! 

Oh my friends, when we do as the LORD instructs, we can be assured that no matter what chaos is swirling around us, God’s peace will dwell within us. LORD, have Your Way in their lives…and, LORD have Your Way in mine.

“This is good and pleases God our Savior, who wants everyone to be saved and to understand the truth.” 1 Timothy 2:3,4

May we remember to pray for all those we love…and for all of those with whom we are contentious.

Something miraculous happens in a praying heart because of the ONE who is listening…the ONE who is seeing…the ONE who is hearing. And, something miraculously occurs in relationships where people pray for one another…in cities, states, nations, in churches where people pray, God’s Kingdom come!  Although praying people may still not agree, we can put aside the remnants of judgment; the sparks of anger and the fire of hatred. They will be extinguished, as we walk and pray in obedience.

Praying Hearts are God’s chosen instruments.  When others don’t and won’t, we can join together as His instruments, as His children, and say, “Yes!  Yes, We Can…and we will pray for all people, for all to believe…LORD, have Your Way!”

Love you in Jesus,
