December 10, 2014


 “Like golden apples in silver settings, so is a word spoken at the right time.” Proverbs 25:11


Communication is a gift from our Almighty God…and no other creature in all of creation has the vast ability and the propensity to speak as many words as women…With this gift, comes tremendous responsibility…the responsibility to speak the right words at the right time!

And we know that “The tongue can bring death or life…”Proverbs 18:21

God has entrusted man and womankind with this gift…and we must choose how we will invest our gift of language…of words…of communication.

I want to invite you to visit www.fearlessmom.com, to hear some empowering and encouraging messages for women of all ages and all stages…The ministry at Lake Hills Church, Fearless Mom, exists to equip moms and grands to enjoy and to prosper on the journey of parenthood.  I encourage you to listen to the ministry messages…and I pray that you will be encouraged and empowered by words that are “spoken at the right time…words which bring life…”


And during this Christmas season of HOPE and PROMISE, may I encourage you to use your gift of communication to bless others…in the long lines at the grocery store…at the craft store while you wait…in restaurants while you wait…at the drive- through, while you wait…while you wait…

We wait with anticipation and expectation…because Christmas changed the world…Christmas changed our eternity…Bless others with the fantastic news of the Savior’s birth! His birth, His life, His death…His resurrection changed everything!

Hallelujah!  Yeshua Christ has come…and He will come again!

Christmas Blessings and joy,
