Ascending to Jerusalem



The Psalms of Ascents are the Songs of the faithful pilgrims as they journeyed to the City of Jerusalem, the City of Light, and of Atonement. These were songs of encouragement and hope as they traveled to attend the Jewish festivals.  As we prepare to begin our Fall Bible Studies, I cannot help but see this time as our pilgrimage, leaving the cares of life behind for just a little while, ascending to the beauty of time with Almighty God, to experience His Truth and His Life, found only in His Word. And, together, as traveling pilgrims, we will study His Word, and we will Sit at His Feet…

Ascending to Jerusalem

Ascending to Jerusalem, life’s cares I leave behind.

Ascending to Jerusalem, True Peace I yearn to find.

Redeemer, Restorer,

Lover of my soul,

Counselor, Almighty God,

My brokenness made whole.

Ascending to Jerusalem, the Light that I can see,

Ascending to Jerusalem, Hope rises up in me.

Creator, Healer, and True Light,

Bright Morning Star and King,

Prince of Peace and my Savior…

He took away death’s sting.

Ascending to Jerusalem, our pilgrimage to make,

Ascending to Jerusalem, His Word of Life, partake.

Lamb of God, Messiah, Friend,

The Living Word and Son,

The Atonement for all ages—

Our battle He has won!

Ascending to Jerusalem, His Promise as we meet,

Ascending to Jerusalem, to Sit at our Lord’s feet.

I wait for the Lord, my soul does wait, and in His Word do I hope. My soul waits for the Lord…Psalm 130: 5, 6

Peace and Joy as we travel together on our pilgrimage,
