The Quiet Place

July 1, 2013

As I think about the places and the times that God gives us to meet with Him, my memory takes me to a place in my youth.  It was a beautiful place, a simple place…a quiet place, unlike the busy city of Jerusalem which beckoned to the Israelites for them to come and to meet with God…photo-9

Wherever that place might be in your lives, He calls His children to be still, to be quiet, and to meet with Him.  It may be in the midst of a chaotic day with crying children or demanding bosses… health or marriage catastrophe…or you may be overflowing with joy and peace in the moment…

When we settle ourselves against the clanging of the daily demands and circumstances, and make our hearts, our minds, our soul quiet, when we answer His call, our lives are never the same.

As a child, my place to meet with God was in the branches of an old oak tree in my front yard.  My father called it the “Thinking Tree”.  But I know now that it was a Meeting Place, a Quiet Place, where my Heavenly Father would meet with me…And then, I was never the same. I learned that solitude with God is vital to a life of peace and purpose. I learned that not only did God exist, but He was involved and knew me. I would walk away with an inexplicable hope and inexplicable peace.

He wants to be involved in your life…He knows you by name…You are His! Daughter, where is the place in your life that God waits to meet with you?

When is your time to go to the Quiet Place?

As a deer thirsts for a stream of water, In the same way, I thirst for you, God. I thirst for the Living God.  When can I go to meet with Him?

Psalm 42:1,2 (ICB)

Abundant joy,

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