The Quiet Place


July 1, 2013 As I think about the places and the times that God gives us to meet with Him, my memory takes me to a place in my youth.  It was a beautiful place, a simple place…a quiet place, unlike the busy city of Jerusalem which beckoned to the Israelites for them to come [...]


June 24, 2013   I love reading the Psalms of Ascent as faithful pilgrims journeyed to the City of Jerusalem, the City of David, the City of Light, and Atonement.  As we prepare for our own quiet time with our Father,  I cannot help but see this journey as our pilgrimage, leaving the cares of [...]

Broken Wings


June 17, 2013 I attended the dance recital of my oldest granddaughter this weekend and what a special experience to watch her move courageously onto a huge stage to perform her dances with her classmates.  Beautiful little girls! What joyful moments… Before intermission, a class of lovely girls of all ages, was assisted onto the [...]

The Sunflower Effect- Part II

June 10, 2013 Part Two The King of Kings left His throne to walk and to live with man and to reveal the heart of His Father; lives were transformed and made into new creations.  Through His love and His compassion, He healed, He restored, He redeemed, and He set captives free.  The Bridegroom met [...]

The Sunflower Effect


June 3, 2013 Part One As nature announces the glory of God with each new dawn, it seals His handiwork with each palette of sunset, allowing Creation to rest.  The morning brings its freshness and sings the melody of the heart of our Father God…in the anthem of the birds, in the summer breeze and [...]

Help—It’s Raining Blessings!


May 27, 2013    I remember when our children were toddlers and bath time was the best!  They would be splashing and sliding in the tub and then it was time for the shampooing of the hair.  The squeals began as the bucket of cool water was dumped upon each little head!  The water ran [...]

You are Strong Enough


May 20, 2013 “…Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.” Ephesians 6:10   Daughters of Truth… You are Strong Enough   I am strong enough to pass through fire, strong enough to rise. Strong enough to cry the tears, and wipe them from my eyes.   I am strong enough to [...]

Precious Cargo


May 13,2013 …”You are precious and honored in My sight and because I love you…”  Isaiah 43:4 While joining my husband on a recent business trip, my memory returned to an incident which occurred a number of years ago soon after Billy and I married. This event would have a profound impact on our lives. [...]

Glorious Day


May 6, 2013   The brushstroke of the Master Artist sweeps over the canvas of the universe with glorious detail to create a new day. The brilliant hue of the sunrise reveals the gift of life in a unique and glorious day, unrepeatable, framed within the context of time. His Hand moves precisely over His [...]

The Absolute Truth


April 24, 2013 Beauty from the ashes as it rises to make claim, God speaks Life and it emerges, to refresh our souls again. Just as the fire ravaged the Spicewood community to utterly destroy homes and property two years ago, again Americans have suffered even greater loss this past week.  Evil intent, fire and [...]